Thursday, March 19, 2015

The start of something new...

Evidently we are now three months into the year. I have come to the realization that this year is going to be full of positive life changes. These changes are all results of hard work and dedication to what I want for my future. I know what you are thinking... did she accomplish all of her success by using High School Musical song titles for essays and creative writing throughout her education? That would be a NO. Although I have come to the conclusion of the importance of your education if your obtain the desire to work in a specific industry.

I recently got hired as a marketing assistant/receptionist for a very impressive private business. Finding a desirable job is hard work as it is, but when you get  a phone call saying that you are hired or the position it is well worth all the cover letters and emails representing yourself.

Remember throughout school or just in any life situation where someone said "I am preparing you for the real world" they really didn't mean it. They probably just stated that to feel as if their role had importance. The most you can do to prepare yourself for the real world would be to find what interests you and devote yourself to it. The best type of success is the success that you have worked and devoted your life for because you are PASSIONATE about it.

My advice to share to those who have the goals and dreams that I contain would be to take advantage of every skill that you have the capacity to learn while being an employee.

I recently was a server at a pizza place and took advantage of learning everything to the point were I had the capability to run the place. During my interview I was able to list about 8 different skills I learned, just by having the initiative to take advantage of the situations I was put in.

Hard work does pay off. I did not expect to be 20 years old, working a full time job, heading on the path of my lifetime goal of being a Marketing Manager, or even a CMO.  Sacrifice, devotion and mindfulness will pay off especially if you have a positive mindset!

Stay positive my friends.

"We are shaped by our thoughts; we become what we think. When the mind is pure, joy follows like a shadow that never leaves.”  

Thursday, March 12, 2015

New Blog

So I have gotten some requests to start a blog to share more of my fashion/lifestyle/makeup posts. I look forward to posting and sharing my ideas thoughts and inspiration of all things me. I am excited that others find these things exciting

Feel free to ask questions as well as requests for posts... (for example: What would you like for your birthday? WOW thank you for asking, I will take this and this. Or: Are you planning on doing something amazing with the degree you are working towards? I only plan to. But don't we all want to do something amazing with our lives?